Saturday, August 8, 2009

I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship...

Hello world!

Or the people nice enough to read my blog. So I started a blog. You may ask, "Oh no, not another one. Why?"

Well, because I have random thoughts everyday that I like sharing. 

My thought of the day:

Why is it lame to be an overachiever? Just because you want to get to some place in life, and you want to get your work done early, you are labeled as an overachiever and get taunted for it? I don't see any logic in that. I mean, I guess it's fine with me if you don't do your work until the last minute and stress about it until you get it done, but if I want to finish my work a week in advance, I personally don't see a problem with it.

That's my thought for the day, I have many more to come and hopefully, I will have time to update my blog. :)

P.S.: Listening to "Sleepyhead - Passion Pit"

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